Sermons of
Rev. Orland Wolfram (1912-1987)
Pillar of Fire Church
Missionary to Guatemala

Theology of Evil

Orland Wolfram


Going into a lunch place for a sandwich in Antigua, I saw a priest eating alone, and went up to ask a few questions. Trying not to be at all belligerent I curiously asked, "Father, how is it that the drunks and rowdies who bother us in the park meetings often yell out with obscene language, 'Go away, you Evangelicos! We are Catolicos!' Are they Catholics?"

The reverend father was very thoughtful. What was he to say? If he said that drunkards and adulterers and habitual swearing people were not Catholics, the many millions the Church claims would be reduced to a tiny remnant.

He said, "They are not very good Catholics, but we are all sinners.

"Do you try to get them to have a spiritual birth?"

"Of course we try, we care, but...."

I thanked him and left. There is no end to theological ramifications on some points. Theologians can argue interminably whether God created all things, and if so, did He create evil? Or, did it spring up like a cancer and God powerfully stamp it out? When men try to carry ordinary logic to an extreme, it can pass to become an absurdity, though all the while the ordinary man can see a clear answer. Without actually creating evil, God could create and dictate a free will. This had to begin in the heavens even for the angels and archangels, for Lucifer it was who first produced a rebellion against God's will, started a war in heaven and continues to this day fighting to win the hearts of every man with every kind of temptation, even while Christ and God are calling to every soul, telling them to "Turn. Why will ye die? Come unto Me and be saved!"

Strong willed or weak, God knows us all and is ready to help so that none need perish. Smart or simple, of no importance, we are all simple before the divine Mind.

A mother of youth in trouble often says, "He is a good boy, but others led him astray." Urge her to see that there be ample opportunity for him to be led uprightly then, since he is easily led, following good boys, Sunday School teachers, and godly parents.

God created first the inanimate material universe. Then life, first in simple forms and gradually, according to the order shown in Genesis 1, to life forms of more complexities. It was a stroke of divine genius to envision the masterpiece of finally giving intelligent free-will to His most perfect creature.

But, this can have no significance at all unless there is both good and evil to choose from, even as light can have no meaning without the dark.

In this. God has made us in His image. We can choose. We can study, struggle, be examined and then win out, win a degree, or build a fine character. We can coast along with the evil tide of fallen humanity or we can climb up along the straight and narrow way that leads to life and Christ.

We want this life and fight to be easier? Some take it easier, but no cross, no crown. "He that OVERCOMETH I will give...," and God has promised him glories beyond human comprehension.

Do you want to send your children to a good school or an easy one? The good ones are very, very difficult to qualify for. Anything of real value is going to cost. Even love-- especially love.

After this life. for a Christian, what will heaven be like? Most thinking people say that heaven as a place for only a rocking chair with an occasional time for playing a golden harp is not their idea of heaven. Rather, there will be a continuation of challenge, development, learning, opportunity for great creativity more than we have ever had here.

With the devil bound, the saints can return to earth, each ruling his one city or five cities, according to his likes and abilities, and the mortals here will stay on, while the saints with transfigured and redeemed bodies can go back to heaven at will, and then visit the countless other planets and galaxies where sin has never ruled.

Don't give up, weary traveller. This rugged struggle cannot last long. We shall have an eternity to celebrate our victory, and also praise the glory of Him who gave us the victory, life and love.

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