The Four Living Creatures or Seraphim Cherubim
THE FOUR LIVING CREATURES OR SERAPHIM CHERUBIM The Book of Hebrews tells us the Old Testament stories and laws are types
and symbols of New Testament doctrines, God's Plan of Salvation. Jesus said
all the prophets spoke of Him. But though every page of the Old Testament is
filled with prophetic details of the Christ, when He finally came His own
received Him not, neither did they recognize Him. Here is a most interesting set of hidden types found especially in
Ezekial, Isaiah, and Revelations. I wrote it out in more detail with Bible
references for my study of Revelations, but that has been out of print for some
time so this will be a mere taste to wet your appetite and you will have to dig
out the Bible references and details. Ezekial saw a strange but bright and dazzling creature, having four heads
and other geometrical details which may be impossible to represent in three
dimensions. Its purpose is not meant to be at all literal but to be a type of
how the Holy Spirit works through people on earth. The four faces were, of
man, calf, lion, and eagle. Not by chance are there four Gospels. Matthew was
especially written for the Jews and represents Christ as King and LION of the
tribe of Judah. Mark was written with special traits for the Romans of his
day, and represents Christ as a humble servant of man, even as is the OX. Luke
was a Greek and wrote his Gospel for the Greeks and represents Christ as the
most intelligent and aesthetic man possible. John wrote his Gospel of
spiritual matters even as the EAGLE soars high into the heavens, for the
CHURCH. The living creatures had both wings and wheels. The wings were to hide
the hands and feet, while the main moving of the Spirit was in the wheels.
People used of the Spirit may hide their own actions, their feet also have no
self will but are hidden to be used only by the Spirit. The wheels are set
within wheels diametrically opposed so that mechanically they could not even
move, but the Spirit is pictured as a MOVING force. One characteristic of
those led of the Spirit is they are always doing new things. The fundamental
doctrines are unchanging, but the details of going, working, preaching and
praising will always be both fresh and changing. A man led of the Spirit will at times stand up before the so called
powerful of the land and declare God's message as bold as a lion. The next day
he may be out among the needy and humble, helpful as a servant. God's servants
are humbly waiting on the Spirit for guidance and yet will study to develop
their intelligence to its limit. John Wesley said he wanted his preachers to
study mathematics as well as the Bible. God chose a genius like Paul to write
parts of the New Testament. Peter, though unschooled, was both smart and
original and progressive. After all, even a genius admits his limitations and
goes to the desert to be alone with God. Only the Spirit can guide into ALL
truth. The eagle does not fly in a flock, but soars alone into the heavens. We see then that the number four is the Spirit in the Church, even as
three is the Trinity of the Godhead, and seven is the perfect number
representing Christ. There are many passages both Old Testament and New
Testament using two. These illustrate the two works of grace, or the need for
a deeper work beyond initial Justification. When Israel had their first
Passover, they were in the slavery of Egypt. When they sprinkled the blood of
a lamb on the doorposts in the form of a Cross, then they passed into life
though the Egyptians died all about them. That same night the Israelites were
to leave Egypt, but crossing the Red Sea they found themselves in a Wilderness.
It took further journeying, lessons, failures and victories to come to and
cross Jordan to enter the Promised Land. So, the new Christian must strive to
enter, must purify his own garments at this stage, and must put to death the
old man of carnal controls. In Revelations, the four living creatures are called beasts in the King
James Version, a mistranslation not to be confused with the evil beasts of
worldly governments seen in other chapters. The Living Creatures are near the
throne, and also there is a very special and chosen group. The Bride will be
made up of those who are unsoiled and without spot or wrinkle, who do not love
the world. This is a far different picture from the great throngs without number of
another chapter who also sing the Song of the Lamb as a Redeemer. This latter
group is not of the Bride but of the Justified. They accepted the sacrifice of
Christ for their sins, and that is wonderful beyond words, but the vast
majority of such easy faith Christians do not leave all to follow Him
whithersoever He goeth, even to be hated of all men for His Name sake, cast out
of the company of one's own friends and family, poor according to this world,
but not according to eternal riches. That is truly being filled with the Spirit, led of the Spirit and having
crucified the Old Man of carnal self. The depths and heights of the love of
God and walking with Christ are infinite. There is a limit of what one can
receive in a large multitude or congregation. Christ chose one-hundred and
twenty disciples. He had many more believers besides this, then a smaller
number, twelve, of Apostles. Even then we hear little of most of them. Peter,
James and John are taken with Jesus into the Mount of Transfiguration. These paragraphs are of necessity brief, sketchy and incomplete. They are
but suggestions. God' types are hidden with a hunger and thirst for
righteousness, will pass over it all. Those longing for a closer walk with
their loving Lord will find His types unfolding in infinite riches and splendor
of mystical communion in Him. GOD BLESS YOU. |