Gr 381-3 Intermediate Greek I
A thorough study of Greek grammar and syntax; readings from the Synoptic
Gospels as well as contemporaneous non-biblical writings. Prereq:
1 year of New Testament Greek
September 29-January 19 Dr. Leonard Coppes
M 6:00-8:30 pm
Math 241-2 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
Belleview Preparatory School Advanced Placement Calculus BC. Topics
include transcendental functions, methods of integration, polar coordinates,
conic sections, improper integrals, infinite series. Prereq.: Math 240
September 2-January 23 Dr. David M. Larue Note
early starting date
TThF 8:00-9:15 am
OT 389-3 or 4: Analytic Bible Study: Wisdom Literature of the Old
Testament (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon)
This course is a survey of the genre and role of wisdom literature
in ancient Israel and in the Church. Representative wisdom texts will be
examined with an eye toward theological content and spiritual applications.
Major themes such as suffering and the meaning of life will be examined
in light of these books. Prerequisite: two semesters of Bible Survey or
permission of the instructor.
September 30-January 20
T 10 am-noon Textbooks
Rel 281-3 Bible Survey I
A general survey and synthesis of the Bible. The course offers an opportunity
for welding into an organic whole the student’s Biblical information and
knowledge. In Rel 281-282, students read the entire Bible. This course
is required for most certificates and degrees and is strongly recommended
to all students.
October 2-January 22
Th 6:00-8:30 pm Textbooks
Note: Theo 202 and Theo 499 are scheduled concurrently.
are based on Purkiser, Exploring Our Christian Faith. In addition,
J. Kenneth Grider's A
Wesleyan-Holiness Theology is required for Theo 499. Only one option
(either 202 or 499) may be chosen. There will be additional reading depending
on the course, and the number of units, chosen. Theo 202 is a lower-division
course and will have less demanding requirements. Theo 499 is an upper-division
course and is intended for those who have some formal background in theology.
It is particularly appropriate for those planning to major in Biblical
Theology or to earn the degree, Bachelor of Theology.
Theo 202-3 or 4 Exploring Our Christian Faith II
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to evangelical
Wesleyan Christianity as understood in churches conventionally described
as part of the holiness movement. In addition to a survey of theology,
Theo 201 together with Theo 202 gives attention to the history of doctrine,
to comparative religions, and to the ethics and practices of the Christian
life. Theo 201 is not a prerequisite for this course.
September 29-January 21
Rev. Suzanne Wolfram
M-W 8:00-9:15 am Textbooks
Theo 499-3 or 4 Special Topics: Wesleyan-Holiness Theology
Second semester topics include the person of Christ, the meaning of
atonement, the emptied tomb, the first work of grace, the second work of
grace, the church, the sacraments, the means of grace, and the doctrine
of last things. Wesleyan-Holiness Theology I is not a prerequisite
for this course. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor.
September 29-January 21
Rev. Suzanne Wolfram
M-W 8:00-9:15 am Textbooks