The Pillar of Fire Church
and Belleview Christian College
Denver, Colorado, USA
[Back to current What's New listings]
Archives for 1999
(Click on the underlined text to go to the listed
material. Some of these links may have changed since originally posted.)
December 07, 1999
November 03, 1999
September 18, 1999
August 26, 1999
August 16, 1999
August 14, 1999
In Memoriam
section commemorates Pillar of Fire members and friends who have gone on
August 03, 1999
July 23, 1999
July 21, 1999
July 08, 1999
July 01, 1999
Our "Youth Interest"
link category is inaugurated with a link to the Teens4Jesus website.
June 19, 1999
June 17, 1999
We are gradually making our way through around 300
files of Dr. Wolfram's sermons and articles, preparing them for web publication!
Today we have added several sermons
to his area.
list posted for July/August, 1999
Pray for the peace
of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.--Psalm
122:6 Our
new Israel page
June 16, 1999
June 10, 1999
added in Dr. Wolfram's directory
June 08, 1999
GI Bill information.
Belleview on-campus students who qualify may receive Veterans' Benefits
educational support.
June 04, 1999
May 24, 1999
Biography and
of Rev. Orland Wolfram, late missionary to Guatemala
New on the Links pages: a News
Sources section including a new link to NewsMax.com The
person who recommended this link tells us, "the news stories which are
linked have reputable bylines like 'abcnews,' 'Reuters,' 'New York Times,'
and 'Bloomberg.' They also link international sites like London Telegraph
(which I feel is fairly reliable) as well as some unreliable sites like
(Russia 'news'.) These provide an interesting perspective not available
here in the States."
May 13, 1999
May 10, 1999
May 01, 1999
April 30, 1999
Still more sermons of Dr. Dallenbach
April 29, 1999
Wednesday night speaker/music schedule
posted for May/June
April 28, 1999
Additional sermons of Dr. Wolfram
and Dr. Dallenbach uploaded
Chapter 14 of What the Bible Teaches [About
April 27, 1999
April 23, 1999
April 14, 1999
April 11, 1999
April 07, 1999
April 06, 1999
March 26, 1999
March 18, 1999
Chapter 9 of What the Bible Teaches [About
There's been a lot of minor housekeeping this week. A lot of pages should
have an improved appearance.
March 12, 1999
March 11, 1999
March 10, 1999
March 05, 1999
March 04, 1999
March 01, 1999
March 26, 1999
March 18, 1999
Chapter 9 of What the Bible Teaches [About
There's been a lot of minor housekeeping this week. A lot of pages should
have an improved appearance.
March 12, 1999
March 11, 1999
March 10, 1999
March 05, 1999
March 04, 1999
March 01, 1999
February 27, 1999
February 25, 1999
February 17, 1999
February 16, 1999
February 12, 1999
February 09, 1999
February 02, 1999
January 28, 1999
January 27, 1999
January 19, 1999
home page
us with your comments or questions!
Page graphics by In
His Image
This page last updated 02-01-2000; ©1999-2000, Pillar of
Fire; All rights reserved