Belleview Christian College
Christian College, located in Westminster just north of the capital city
of Denver, Colorado, is a small institution emphasizing quality of education
and individual concern for each student. Classes are small, as is overall
enrollment. Each course has a personal, "seminar" atmosphere.
Belleview is a ministry of the Pillar
of Fire Church, a 100-year-old Bible-believing Christian denomination
in the Wesleyan tradition, teaching John Wesley's doctrine of the
power of the Holy Spirit for New Testament holiness of heart and life.
Goal of the College
Belleview is incorporated in the State of Colorado and has been in operation
"on the Hill" in Westminster since 1920. The goal of the school is to educate
Christians for service in the "priesthood of the believer" -- that is,
to build a thorough foundation in the Bible, the Word of God, undergirded
by the solid academic preparation in the Liberal Arts (such as English,
history, foreign language, and science) which is so essential to vital
living as a citizen and a Christian. In the words of St. Paul, "Do your
best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not
need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy
2:15, NIV) The King James translation has it, "Study
to show thyself approved." Our goal at Belleview is to encourage and assist
such study.
Although the school is Christian, there is no religious or doctrinal test
for entrance. Students of all faiths are admitted so long as they recognize
that they will be taught from a philosophical background which is strongly
Christian and they agree to adhere to Belleview's Lifestyle
Covenant. The theological perspective of the school is Wesleyan/Arminian.

Bible Seminary is an undergraduate seminary admitting students of all ages,
from that of traditional college students and up, for the purpose of preparation
for ministry in the Gospel of Christ. While preparation for the pastorate
is one of the functions of the seminary, students will also find Bible
Seminary training to be valuable preparation for callings in foreign missions,
home missions, youth ministry, small-group ministry, music ministry, and
so on.
and Diplomas
Christian College has certificate and diploma programs ranging in duration
from one year (32-unit certificate program) to five years (156-unit Bachelor
of Theology degree. Click on underlined phrases for detailed information
about individual programs.
in Bible A one-year
certificate program with concentration in Bible and religion -- excellent
preparation for Sunday School teachers, lay workers, and those who want
a foundational study of the Bible.
in Arts in Bible and Religion
A two-year college degree with substantial attention to the liberal arts.
Bachelor of Arts in
Bible and Religion,
of Science in Christian Studies
Four-year liberal-arts degrees with major in Bible and religion or another
area of Christian emphasis, with liberal arts core sequence and liberal
arts minor, concentration, or co-major.
Bachelor of Theology
A five-year program with heavy emphasis on Bible and religion, especially
appropriate for those with a call to full-time Christian ministry; an excellent
preparation for further academic study such as is offered in a graduate
Seminary program.
Belleview Bible
Seminary offers two-year and four-year preparation for ordination:
Certificate in Christian
Service (Two-year Seminary Certificate)
Diploma in Christian
Ministry (Four-year Seminary Diploma)
The Seminary programs are also appropriate for mature adults who want academic
preparation with Christian emphasis but who lack high school graduation.